How to create a wifi hotspot in android phone

HP Android is one of them, the OS developed by the owner of the search engine giant has been inserted WiFi hotspot or tethering feature hotspot. What is the hotspot tethering? Tethering hotspot is to make the device as a hotspot source. Now by using HP Android that has this feature you can do it.

Features offered by the Android-based smartphone does provide its own convenience. With just a few touches even with no authentication only you are able to make your phone to do tethering hotspot or as a source of hotspots. Well here is How to Make Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot on Android:

Actually the easy way, as already exists in the settings menu on your device.

1. Go to settings Settings -> Wireless & networks -> More settings, then there will be some option settings, and select Tethering and portable hostpot.


2. After the click it will appear 3 more options, namely USB tethering, Wi-Fi Portable Hostpot, and Bluetooth tethering. Then choose a portable Wi-Fi hotspot because we will make the device as a hotspot source, provide a check on the option. Then the device will activate the WiFi hotspot.


3. Furthermore, there is a setting for authentication settings for passwords usually for the first time the device is connected to the hotspot network.


4. Now living activate hotspotnya portable and you can share with other users and fellow do-ramean able to surf buddy. Good luck.

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Pasang Iklan Disini

Cheat 8 Ball Pool Terbaru 2013

Cheat 8 Ball Pool Terbaru 2013 - Hello Sobat Gamers, Selamat pagi, info menarik kali ini tentang Cheat  8 Ball Pool Terbaru 2013. 

Tools Yang Perlu disiapkan ;

  • Cheat Engine [ Cari di google dengan Keyword : Download Cheat engine pasti muncul ]
  • Browser Mozilla Or Chrome
  • Codes CUE

Crystal Cue: 111
Flame Cue: 113
Camouglage Cue: 115
Twisted Candy Cue: 89
Classic Cue: 95
Skull Cue: 97
Neon Cue: 99
Tiger Cue: 101
Steampunk Cue: 103
ICue: 105
Elven : 1034
Barbaric: 1032
Norseman: 1030
Binder: 1028
Blue Hope: 1026
Digitized : 1024
Royal Blue: 1022

The Millionaire: 119

Cara Cheatnya Silahkan anda lihat tutorialnya di bawah ini : 

Editor Video By :

Sekian artikel tentang Cheat 8 Ball Pool Terbaru 2013 Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencobanya!

Pasang Iklan Disini

Kunci Folder File dengan My LockBox

My LockBox Merupakan aplikasi gratis yang memungkinkan sobat menyembunyikan, mengunci dan melindungi hampir semua folder di komputer dengan password. Kunci Folder File dengan My LockBox berguna untuk menghindari mata-mata atau orang yang sembarangan yang ingin mencuri data-data penting kita karena file tidak dapat diakses oleh sembarang pengguna lokal maupun remote. saat instalasi My LockBox sobat akan diminta untuk menyediakan lokasi folder yang dilindungi. Pada saat penyelesaian instalasi folder akan tersembunyi dan terkunci. 

Baca panduan instalasi dan penggunaan My LockBox untuk lebih jelasnya yang tersedia di halaman download. 

cara Kunci Folder File dengan My LockBox 

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- Hampir semua folder dikomputer dapat dilindungi password. 
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Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9 Full Version + Regristrasion Key

Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9 Full Version + Regitration Key | Cirebon-Cyber4rt - Ardamax Keylogger adalah sebuah keylogger yang paling umum digunakan oleh seseorang untuk merekam semua kegiatan log dikomputernya.
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Entah itu untuk berbuat baik atau jahat, misal dalam hal kebaikan yaitu memamantau produksivitas karyawan dan perbuatan buruknya yaitu pencurian data dan password.

Screenshoot :

Download Link :

Cara Install & Agar Full Version :
  1. Download dan Install Ardamax Keylogger
  2. Jika ingin Full Version, klik kanan pada icon Ardamax Keylogger yang ada ditaskbar
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Ardamax Keylogger ini kelebihannya yaitu tidak terdeteksi oleh Antivirus, jadi kita bisa pasang diwarnet-warnet ( tidak dianjurkan ) Kenapa tidak dianjurkan? Soalnya nanti kalo ketahuan sama operatornya bisa-bisa dibunuh kita hahaha XD

Ok, Sekian saja postingan saya diakhir pekan yang cerah ini. Semoga Ardamax Keylogger 3.8.9 Full Version + Registration Key dapat bermanfaat bagi kalian semua.

Top 10 Facebook Games

Kumpulan Game FB Yg Terbaik Untuk 10 Game Facebook Paling Top
Inilah 10 game Facebook yang menurut saya terbaik:
1.Tower Bloxx - Game Facebook seru dan menghibur.

2.Crazy Taxi – Kemudikan Taksimu secepat mungkin disaat melompati kendaraan lain.

3.Word Challenge – Word Challenge di kembangkan oleh Playfish merupakan game yang bikin kecanduan menampilkan animasi, 40.000 lebih kata, dan 20 tipe vokabolari.

4.Bowling Buddies – Main bowling bersama teman-temanmu, game ini mempunyai 3D desain grafis, mudah di kendalikan, mendapat prestasi, karakter yang dapat di dandani dan lainnya!

5.Who has the Bigger Brain – Apakah anda merasa pintar? Buktikan dulu dengan memainkan game ini.

6.Mob Wars – Bangun dan kelola keluarga Mafia anda sehingga menjadi sebuah kerajaan Mafia terbesar.

7.Pet Society – Dalam game ini anda dengan binatang piaraan anda dapat melakukan banyak hal menyenangkan. Mendekorasi rumah dan bahkan dapat memberi hadiah kepada teman-temanmu disaat mengunjungi mereka.

8.YoVille – Di dunia YoVille anda dapat membeli baju baru untuk karakter anda, membeli peralatan untuk apartemen, berkerja dan bertemu dengan teman-teman baru.

9.Kickmania – Kickmania! adalah game animasi. Sangat menghibur – tendang pantat siapapun dan lihat mereka terbang – menabrak tembok batu bata.

10.Texas Hold’em Poker – Anda akan bermain poker Texas Hold’em dengan teman-teman di Facebook dan pengguna Facebook lainny dengan uang virtual – tentu bukan uang sungguhan loh!

Itulah 10 Game Facebook terbaik menurut saya silahkan di allow aplikasi dari game-game tersebut untuk memulai memainkan salah satu game pilihan yang anda sukai dan semoga bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa!

Point Blank Offilne

Point Blank offilne ni bukan COUNTER STRIKE mode POINT BLANK tpi yang sekarang ini persihh point blank yang seing kita main kan yahh. .... langsung za

berikut ini adalah Point blank offline yang sudah saya test sendiri, maaf ya artikel ini berbahasa indonesia karena banyaknya yang harus di jelasin jadinya kasian nanti buat yang ga ngerti installnya egh pas baca tutorialnya bahasa inggris makin ga ngerti aja hahahaha.

ok mungkin buat agan agan semua, nganggep PB offline yang saya share ini adalah CS 1.6 yang udah di modif jadi mirip PB ( ane termasuk ) tapi sebenernya salah, ini emang bener bener point blank online yang dirubah jadi offline, buat yang masih bingung monggo baca kelanjutan tulisan ini, jangan langsung loncat ke link downloadnya aja biar ngerti.

jadi sebenernya point blank ini emang bener bener offline, tanpa harus terkoneksi dengan internet, dan kita mainnya sama BOT, jadi kita mainnya di A.I mode ( mungkin buat yang udah lama main PB tau apa itu A.I mode )

nah dan sebenernya lagi game PB ini, file clientnya ( file masternya ) dari russia ( jadi maaf aja kalau PBnya bahasa russia ) yang jadi kita buat server sendiri di komputer, ya walaupun pake bahasa russia ada kelebihannya yaitu banyak senjata senjata yang belum keluar di PB indonesia, dan yang pasti mainin game ini ga perlu pake cash :v kita bebas milih senjata/karakter/item dll secara gratis, jadi semua senjata udah ada di inventori kita :D

ya install PB offline ini sebenernya susah susah gampang, kalau emang udah ngerti gimana gimananya pasti gampang ( ya pasti :v ) kalau blm ngerti ya pasti susah, ok deh ga usah banyak cingcong ga jelas lagi, langsung aja ke link download + cara installnya

kalau mau main Point blank ini, berikut ini adalah alat sama filenya :
file server + Database v1.7
Download file Client ( Rusia Client )
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
( kalau mau download, daftar dulu )
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
pass : private

karena banyak senjata, sound, map yang error, berikut ini patch/packnya
Oroch - i3core Dev Team
password : Oroch - i3core Dev Team
Download for 64bit here
Download for 32bit here
navicat 8.0.18_mysql_en.rar
PB Client IP Editor : Download here
PB Launcher v1.4 : download here

Berikut ini video tutorial cara install + setting PB offlinenya :

teks tutorial install credit nanotech 59
Peralatan: JDK latest version (x64=64bit or x86=32bit sesuaikan kompi), mysql-5.5.29-win32/64 (sesuaikan kompi agan), navicat 8.0.18_mysql_en.rar, PBServerDBi3corev17, lwsi_En.rar (sudah diedit ke, PB Launcher v1.4 (taruh di folder PointBlankPTS)
Ane ambil dari forum idws dengan sedikit modif credit to dexterc2r instal jdk 7 update 11 pke nama folder jre7 instal java di folder jre7 (C:\Program Files\Java\jre7) <-----lokasi install buka folder jre7 -> jre -> bin
lu copas semua isi file dstu ke folder bin di luar jre buka folder jre7 -> jre -> libs
lu copas semua isi file dstu ke folder libs di luar jre
klo eror pas copy semua file buka task manager -> procesess -> cari di proses itu nma jqs.exe trz end proses

5.instal my sql 5.5 -> detailed configuration -> server -> isi user dengan root dan password 123456 (yg lain nya biarin default)
6.instal navicat klo ud buka trz klik new conenction trz isi pass:123456
7.instal database sql (masuk ke pb_database klik setup) tapi sebelum nya edit dlu "setup.bat" nya klik knan edit. liat dstu klo bawaan nya kn C:\xampp\MySQL\bin\mysql.exe itu d rubah ke C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysql.exe trz jgn lpa isi password
8.trz skrg k folder pb_auth -> configs -> database.ini (isi password nya 123456)
trz d file network.ini biarin gt aj ip nya
9. trz skrg k folder pb_game -> configs -> database.ini (isi pw nya 123456)
file network.ini biarin default (pakai ip komputer kamu juga bisa) dan (yang bagian [connection])
jalanin server nya (Start Server.cmd) di folder PBServerDBi3corev17.

trz di buka folder client pointblankPTS -> ke folder configs -> ada file lswi_en.sif gt kn itu lu edit pke pb config editor buat edit ip client rubah jd (kalau belum di rubah gan!)

lalu extract PB Launcher v1.4 klo ud taruh hasil extract d folder PointBlankPTS,,trz buka dan isi kek gini
username root
password 123456 LOGIN-->tinggal mainin pb nya
-pas jalanin game nya navicat,login/auth server dan game server jgn d close
-java n mysql klo ud ada di uninstall-->reinstall

video gameplaynya :  Screenshot
 ( maaf ya bukan hasil screenshot sendiri, soalnya mau screenshot warnanya malah jadi item, mau pake software ga punya, mau download lambat, ya intinya game ini work deh :D )

Download Games Point Blank Offline New 2013

Download Games Point Blank Offline New 2013
buat cara pindah map :
use cmd map <number map> in AI.MODE room chat . then click start game
1 Port Akba
2 Squareindo
3 Library
4 manstation
5 kickpoint
6 Shopping Center
7 burning hall
8 d-squad
9 krackdown
10 saints manstion
11 estern road
12 Downtown
13 Luxiville
14 boom city
15 stormtube
16 Giran [NEW]
17 Breakeown
18 Training Camp
19 Sentry Base
20 Desert Camp [ Mini Indonesia ]
21 Kick Point
22 Martyr Ridge
23 Supply Base
24 SandStorm
25 Downtown
26 Luxville
27 Outpost
28 Boom City
29 Stormtube
30 Sentry Bse
31 Hospital
31 Hospital
32 Closure
33 Shopping Center
34 SandStorm
35 Breakdown
37 Giran [NEW]
38 Helispot
39 BlackCat
40 TheNest [ DINO]
41 Inasion
42 Dino Breakdown
44 Tutorial Mode [NEW]
45 Shopping Center
46 Safari
48 Machu Picchu
49 CargoShip
50 High Rise

cmd map <map number>
ya cukup sudah postingan mengenai Point Blank Offline [tested] yang puanjang banget, kalau adapertanyaan atau masih bingung kunjungi aja langsung ke forum kaskus tempat dimana ane nemu game ini :D

Laptop - Laptop untuk Game BERAT

yahh mungkin agan" pada ingin maen GAME BERAT seperti Crysis 3, Battlefield 3,DLL yaa saya punya saran untuk para GAMERS Beli za laptop yang d bwah ni ....

Acer Aspire V3-471G-73614G1TMadd Call For Best Price
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Harga : Rp.7,849,000,-

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Core i7 3610QM 2.3Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 2GB,
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Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst PC

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 FLT
Live the 4th Great Ninja War and its overpowering boss fights or defy your friends in ultra dynamic online and offline ninja confrontations! Originally released in March 2013 for Xbox 360® and PlayStation®3 to wide critical and fan acclaim, the most epic NARUTO game ever released has been given a thorough overhaul for its PC debut!

Live the 4th Great Ninja War and its overpowering boss fights or defy your friends in ultra dynamic online and offline ninja confrontations!
Originally released in March 2013 for Xbox 360® and PlayStation®3 to wide critical and fan acclaim, the most epic NARUTO game ever released has been given a thorough overhaul for its PC debut! Not least among the wealth of enhancements contained in NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 FULL BURST is the addition of the feverishly anticipated chapter in which Sasuke and Itachi take on Kabuto in a nail-biting confrontation.
Absolutely Epic storyline: Wage the 4th Great Ninja War in the most epic NARUTO game ever
Extreme Immersion: Confront overpowering bosses including the gargantuan Tailed Beasts in memorable battles defying time and death
Gameplay Excellence: Discover NARUTO Storm ultra dynamic ninja confrontations with the series most extensive roster including the highly anticipated Naruto (Tailed Beast mode), Madara or the Jinchurikis.
…and Beyond! (Full Burst New Content)
Additional Chapter: Finally free of Kabuto’s control, Itachi intends to crack the Reanimation forbidden technique. Will an unprecedented Uchiha alliance with Sasuke be enough to handle it?
New playable character: Kabuto reaches the almighty Sage mode and is now playable in versus mode. Unleash his power and defeat your opponents both offline and online.
Director’s Cut: Discover completely revamped Storm 3 cinematics and experience the epic conflict consuming the entire ninja world more intensely that ever.
100 New Missions: Embark on a whole new series of missions, many with their own uniquely challenging objectives.
38 Additional Costumes: Outfit characters in a selection of 38 costumes from the NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 DLC packs.
Title: NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: CyberConnect 2
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Release Date: Oct 25, 2013
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3-FLT
SIZE: 7.2 GB


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Link TusFiles : -
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because I uploaded the movie download link is being repaired)

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5 tourist attractions that must be visited Bandung

Tourist Attractions in London has a lot of fans who like nothing bored to visit the city of Bandung, West Java and become a weekend destination for many people, especially long holiday, tourists could be doubled.

Lots of travel recommending Bandung for a nice holiday, and this time I want to give you a recommendation attractions that you can make when planning wanted traveled to Bandung.

and here it is a list of 10 attractions in Bandung famous

1. Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung

White crater is a tourist place in Bandung are already popular and become a tourist destination of a lot of visitors. White crater is a tourist attraction with the natural beauty category has its own charm so as to attract a lot of tourists to visit Bandung travel to this one.

2. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

Still in the category of natural attractions in Bandung, Tangkuban Perahu is very famous all because his legend. I'm sure many have heard or read about this mountain. Additionally Tangkuban Perahu also become one of the tourist attractions in London's favorite and much in demand by tourists.

3. Trans Studio Bandung

Trans Studio Bandung

Trans Studio Bandung a tourist rides in the largest room in Indonesia, in fact there are several sources also said that the Trans Studio Bandung also become a vehicle for the largest indoor tour in Asia. Interesting is not it? Here you can find lots of places to play. Tourist attractions in London are very attractive and popular, try to come here if you're on a vacation to the city of Bandung.

4. De'Ranch Lembang

De'Ranch Lembang

Travel Ala De'Ranch Cowboy yes in Lembang which is one of the tourist attractions in London and became a popular choice among tourists from all who wish to travel to Bandung, Definitely interesting, here you can dress a la Cowboy and seems to be a Cowboy: D.

5. Kampung Gajah Wonderland

Kampung Gajah Wonderland

As a tourist in London who has a one-stop recreation guidelines, Kampung Gajah This can be quite complete. For you foodies, here too, there are four kinds of restaurants that serve Japanese food, Western, Asian and Indonesian. Here are also available Factory outlet for fashion lovers are up to date.

Situ Patenggang Ciwidey

Situ Patenggang as a natural tourist attraction that is so very popular in Singapore has a very unique story. It originated from a legend that circulated in the community Ciwidey that until now the story is still preserved and is associated with the name of it / lake (Patenggang - Patengan). Therefore, starting from a legend is also the attractiveness of these tourist attractions in London. Simply put, there's history patenggang starting from the origin of the legend is the origin of the name there.

Popular names are used as the name of this lake there are actually two, the first is "Situ Patengan" and the second is "Situ Patenggang". Both of these names has its own pilosofi which identifies it and interconnected. When tourists call it "there Patengan" this refers to the name of the village where the lake is located. The name "Patengan" comes from Sundanese "Pateangan" which means that each seek. While the name "Patenggang" himself who is also from the Sundanese language meaning apart from history or time.
That said, the two names above tells a story of two lovers who love each other. They named Ki Santang and Goddess Rengganis. Ki Santang is the nephew of King Siliwangi, a king Padjadjaran wise and prudent. While Goddess Rengganis is a line of village life in the mountains. Both have a very strong bond of love but separated by distance and time (supposedly they are separated by a very long war). Because feelings and affection are so great between them, eventually they attempt to seek each other, so one day he met at a large rock. The stone is a stone called Love. After the meeting, a short story Ki Santang Rengganis ask to be made a lake where there is a small island in the middle. Because love is so deep Ki Santang, he finally consented Rengganis Goddess. Now this small land called island Sasuka or in Indonesian called Pulau Asmara.

Situ Patenggang Admission 2014 is admission attractions Situ also called Situ Patengan is Rp. 6.000, - per person up to the month of February 2014, while the ticket began March 1, 2014 Situ be 15,000, - not including vehicle parking ticket, this time for the minibus Rp. 11.000, - and for Bis Rp. 22.000, - in the year 2014 there has been no increase in admission until now.

Entrance to Situ is very cheap compared to other tourist attractions (before the increase in the month March 2014) contained in the area attractions that are in this Rancabali Ciwidey, such as admission to the village of Cai Rancaupas entry ticket Rp. 10.000, -, admission to the White Crater Ciwidey Rp. 15.000, - for the entry ticket plus tickets ontang vehicle-earrings Rp. 13.000, -, then admission to attractions hot spring Cimanggu Rp. 15.000, - and for Natural Hot Water Tour Rancawalini Rp. 15.000, - not including vehicle ticket that you take.

You need to know also the ticket or rent to boat to visit the Stone Love Situ between Rp. 150.000, - up to Rp. 250.000, - per boat, then a ticket to ride ticket goose-geese range of Rp. 25.000, - up to Rp. 50.000, -. For visitors are also usually offered tickets or rental to the mat for your family to be able to sit in accordance with your wishes and family, ticket or rent a range of Rp. 10.000, - up to Rp. 20.000, -.

In addition to ticket information Situ, at this time I will inform you with friends who want to stay on the shores of Lake Situ can rent a villa Patenggang the lease rate for weekdays Rp.550.000, - and the rental price for the Weekend Rp. 660.000, - with 3-room facilities, capacity of 25 people.

The most popular android games in 2014-2015

No.1 Racoon Rising

List of Best Free Games Most Popular Android on Google Play StorePastinya you all already familiar with this game Raccoon Rising. This game has a very attractive 3D graphics and a more attractive eyes again, the game is presented in GRATISS on Google Play

No.2 Naughty Kitties
Game Naughty Kitties displayed with graphics that would attract the attention of gamers, the game is also provided some cats (which uses a different type of attack). In this game you can also upgrade as much as possible. Many say that Naughty Kitties an endless runner game but with the use of newer concept that makes the user feel at home to play this game. Come soon Naughty Kitties game collection for your Android. Free !!!

No.3 Real Racing 3
For you who like racing, especially racing cars, game Real Racing 3 is right for you. Real Racing 3 game has arguably very cool graphics, 3D effects it looks like real. Please visit the Google Play and Real Racing game collection, Free !!!

No.4 POU
Pou game is one game that is worth a try for you this week is, in this game the player is required to take care of a cute character named Pou in the game. Such as feeding, bathing and invite to play. As it is, your level will increase and able to unlock features that are locked in this game. Yuk download, Free !!!

No.5 Get Rich
Game Get Rich is a newcomer also for the mobile gamers with Android plat form. If you still remember the childhood game of Monopoly, the game seems to adopt a get rich is the game of the manual becomes mobile. In this game you can also collect the areas supplied by walking according to the flow of the dice. Want to know the thrill of playing Monopoly in your hand? Hurry download Get Rich

This 5 most popular android games in years 2014-2015
If you own more like which one?

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